At the beginning of the game you should stay in Thorwal and equip yourself. The best arms merchant is Grollo, the best merchant is Stoerrebrandt-Grassberg and Minna Musporeiken for Herbs. Wand spell #2 is very useful. As soon as you hear Hetman's announcement, head over to his office to accept the mission. Just ask the Hetman about payment and he gives you a writ for entry to Thorwal's armoury.


In the evenings, an extended visit to the "Four Winds" tavern would be useful. You might hear the story of the Ship of the Dead.


In the south west section of Thorwal, look for the fortress. To enter, bark at the young warrior guarding the gate and insist to see Master Dramosch.


After beating the bandits in Thorwal, travel to Felstyn. There you meet the man Hetman recommended, Isleif Olgardson. On the way to Felstyn you'll pass Angobodirtal, visit Beorn Hjallason. After meeting with Beorn and Isleif you may choose to follow the leads you get.


Carry a sufficient supply of rope, you may need to build a bridge. On the road from Rovamund to Nordvest you will come upon a body carrying and amulet guarding against the spell Ignifaxus.

The marshes along the Bodir river are dangerous, you may lose equipment and you might catch "blue cough".

Walking from Phexcaer to Hermits lake there is a possibility of an ambush by Orcs. The orc leader is wearing an amulet guarding against Transformation magic. Along the same route, some Gryphons will bar the way. The solution to their riddle is WHEEL.

The march from Daspota to Rybon is interrupted by a meeting, a dying adventuress tells you the location of the Daspota treasure. It is on the road from Rybon to Thoss. Following the road further, you will meet harpies and they give you information about some abandoned ruins inhabited by the Dark Mage who is in possession of a segment of the Map.

There is an abandoned Inn by the road from daspota to Ottarje, where you can pause to rest, be prepared for a fight as the cellars are inhabited by the undead.

There is a path branching off the road between Ottarje and Skjal, leading towards a cave inhabited by spiders, plus followers of the Spider demon MACTAN.

On the route from Ottarje to Orvil, explore the Wolf's Lair, also on this route is the Druid Gorah's forest clearing (Umbrik Sevenstones in Orvil tells you about this). When you arrive Gorah is in the middle of summoning a creature. Don't bother attacking with missiles. You will have to melee with the wolves. The faster the victory the better, his forces are reinforced by Harpies and a sabre toothed tiger if you don't make quick work of it and if that is not enough he summons a demon. Once you have won, search his cabin. Seek out the rune-bone Umbrik Sevenstones desires, get the rest of the treasure.

On the riverwalk from Thoss to Liskor your characters will notice an Orcish monolith on the opposite bank of the river. Cross over by raft and destroy the idol. The gods will look favourably upon this and it will increase your chances of a miracle.

The mountain path from Felsteyn to Orkanger is dangerous, your characters are attacked by brigands. You do however, have a chance to turn the situation around and ambush the brigands in their camp as well. Near the end of the road is a cave occupied by Goblins.

There is a route not shown on the map between Skellen to Phexcaer. There isn't a path branching of the route, so you are forced to keep going until the end. There isn't a sign of human civilisation beside a Temple of Firun, but you are compensated for by an any amount of breakneck climbs, opportunities to get lost and a vast highland moor offering ample opportunity to lose valuable pieces of equipment. The highlight is the meeting with an elf woman who leaves your characters with the recipe for a healing potion. Along the way, you will stumble upon a cave housing an Orcish scouting party. The cave contains important information. Also, the route to Hyggelik's ruins start along this way, but until the characters find enough map pieces, they won't be aware of its existence.

Along the road from Orvil to Rovik, you come upon a wolf pack attacking a flock of sheep, and find evidence of the dark druid Gorah.

Passing by Hermit's lake, you will walk into a dangerous swamp, where you may lose time and equipment. On the bright side, this route gives you the chance to meet the Unicorn and to climb to the top of a rock needle where a vision grants tremendous amount of information. Beware this is a dangerous climb.


The first map piece you should look for is in Angobodirtal. Abusive treatment of Beorn Hjallasson will result in a map fragment.

Isleif Olgardson lives in Felstyn and will give you a map piece.

Ragna Firunjasdotter in Vidsland will aprt with a map piece only after a polite request to look at it.

Yasma Thinmarsdotter used to live in Clanegh, but has since moved to Thoss. She once owned a map fragment, but it was stolen by a dark mage. She will tell your characters the exact location of his fortress.

Umbrik Sevenstones is a Druid from Orvil. He will send the characters on a quest and upon completion, will present the characters with a letter of introduction to Tiomar Swafnildson in Brendhil. Presenting Tiolmar with this letter will result in your characters receiving a map fragment.

Eliane Windenbek lives in Varnhome and will send the characters on a quest. When you complete the quest you'll get a map fragment.

Jurge Thorfinson is a resident of Skjal. When you visit him, he will send you to Thorwal to ge a letter of introduction from the Hetman. When you give him the letter he gives you a map fragment.

Treborn Kollberg is a travelling merchant willing to sell a map fragment. Should the characters decline to purchase it they can visit him in Clanegh.

The Unicorn can be found near Hermit's Lake. Upon meeting this creature, keep calm and under no circumstances draw your weapons. The Unicorn may reappear after one week, delivering a randomly chosen map fragment.

After you collect all the map fragments, you should travel from Skelellen to Phexcaer because along the way you will discover and Orc's cave. Inside you will find an important document. After receiving the document, travel from Vilnhome to Phexcaer and your characters will lead directly to the ruins housing the sword.

The final part of the mission requires the team to return to Phexcaer and march north to Hermit's Lake. About halfway along the route, they will come across a gigantic Orcish army camp. Here they have to choose a champion and hope the gods are smiling on them this day.

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